
My best photo

Born in Switzerland and raised by a German grandmother in Milano, Italy.

I married my Italian husband in Hong Kong and I'm now living and working between Milano and Tallinn, Estonia.

I spent part of my career working in the glamorous publishing Industry.
When I left a comfortable and prestigious office behind  it was because I yearned for a greater sense of purpose.

In 2016 I discovered coaching.
This has been a huge gift of awareness, confidence and strength that I gave myself.

Thanks to coaching I found that purpose I was looking for.
To me it's having a positive impact on people, helping them with their  development challenges.

It all started when I left publishing and I landed my job at the university.
I realized that working with postgraduates helping them to unlock their potential and achieve their leadership and career goals was really fulfilling and meaningful to me.

I believe coaching is a powerful way to improve the world, as it helps people to understand how to envision their future, learning and taking action in order to reach their goals, enhance their leadership and create and develop their career paths.

And of course, my journey to purpose is continuing by working with managers, professionals and expats from different industries and countries.

For my family background and my recent experience as the wife of an expat, I stand out for my intercultural attitude and sensitivity.

An unshakeable confidence in my clients' potential, a "can do attitude" and the ability to always look at the big picture are some of my "superpowers".

Professional Standards

I coach according to the highest global standards and I'm proud to be an ICF PCC credential holder and to hold an Ontological Transformative Coaching Diploma through Scuola Europea di Coaching.

I also have a Master's degree in Human Resources and a first level Role Consulting Diploma.

I'm certified to deliver the following Assessment:

Six Second - BRAIN PROFILE: based on neuroscience and the concept of emotional intelligence,  it summarises the ways in which the brain processes emotional and cognitive information.

Utilia - FLORA: a big 5 theory's questionnaire that investigate personal characteristics that make a difference in hiring for specific professional roles

Utilia - MYDRIVE: for detection of motivational inclinations that drive people to action and their own development

utilia - VAL:  questionnaire that surveys values, i.e., the beliefs and convictions that define what is important to the person and provide criteria for ordering one's goals and evaluating one's actions.
It also provides indications of compatibility/synchrony with the relevant organizational context.