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The myth of feedback at the end of an interview

Have you ever been invited to a job interview and lived the uncomfortable situation of HR disappearing without letting you know about your performance?

Many people have faced this situation, at least once in their lives.

And when it comes to young talents, this happens very often and probably without considering that they are just starting out.

Ideally, this condition should give them more attention, but as a Career Coach for HR and Digital Transformation students, I know how hard it can be to get any useful information about how the job interview really went.

And I see how the lack  of feedback can be frustrating especially for those who are still full of enthusiasm for the new challenge that awaits them in the work environment.

Feedback, whether positive or negative, is of great value in the personal growth of each individual. Feedback is a gift.


Literally “to feed” means to nurture. Therefore, feedback is intended to nurture.

Feedback is an essential part of learning because it helps to see strengths and areas for improvement by guiding in the development process.

And with reference to the interview process, those who deal with Talent Acquisition  can no longer neglect the fact that feedback is increasingly crucial in order to design a positive candidate experience and to connect with candidates and employees.


Most importantly, giving and receiving feedback is enriching for both parties involved.

After all, organizations devote a lot of energy and resources to building their employer branding which starts with a positive candidate experience.

In fact, the interview is part of a broader employer branding strategy, but if it turns into a poor experience, or part of a non-transparent selection process, the risk of negative effects on the Employer Brand reputation increases.

Feedback is always a choise of transparency and respect.

Now-a-days, job interview is more than ever the true touch-point between employers and future workforce, but it is also a part of a process that can be more complex than candidates may perceive.

As the matter of fact, a candidate migh be rejected simply because there is someone else better fitting the position.
Sometimes a candidate doesn’t get a response because the company selection process might involve several steps and many parties.
In the end it is easy to loose the pieces and forget to get back to candidates.

And what does it all means?

Giving a response to candidates and especially a feedback to young talents entering the labour market should find its place among the pillars of an effective Employer Brand and Stustainable HRM strategies.

Organizations should start offering feedback skills programs to their employees.

It was amazing having the opportunity to speak about this topic at “Le Faremo sapere…Il mito del feedback al colloquio” an online talk with CleverConnect Italy

Photo by Debora Pilati on Unsplash
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Photo by javier trueba on Unsplash